Current Version 25.01.07
Version 25.01
Dealers and Lenders:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.12
- Setting to control recipients of Program Update emails.
- Dealer Inventory list includes 72-month conventional payment comparison.
- Dealer Inventory list payments now highighted to match payment grid.
Dealers and Lenders:
- Updated User management UI.
- Added ability to filter users by permissions.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.11
Dealers and Lenders:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.09
- Ability to export invoice as CSV file.
Dealers and Lenders:
- Status Filter on the quote list. Exclude invalidated quotes by default.
- Button on step3 to navigate back to step2.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.08
- In Dealer Inventory, ability to search with down payment, trade-in, and fees specified.
Dealers and Lenders:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.07
- Dealer Inventory list improvements:
- Redesigned view
- Payment grid with option selections. Ability to update style/options.
- Show vehicle segment
- Search by electric, vehicle type, or vehicle segment
- Search by maximum term or longest term. (default is now longest term)
- Search by maximum monthly payment.
- Show residual in payment hover
Dealers and Lenders:
- New Program Resources page.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.06
Dealers and Lenders:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.05
- Ability to configure maximum dealer markup.
- Ability to default markup to the maximum the lender allows.
Dealers and Lenders:
- Optional equipment is listed as what is on the vehicle, rather than separate Adds andDeducts
- All makes that previously had "Trucks" in the name are now listed without "Trucks".
- "Chevrolet Trucks" models are now listed under "Chevrolet" with the non-truck Chevrolets.
- "Ford Trucks" models are now listed under "Ford" with the non-truck Fords.
- "Dodge Trucks" models are now listed under "Dodge" with the non-truck Dodges.
- "GMC Trucks" is now listed as "GMC"
- "Ram Trucks" is now listed as "Ram".
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.04
- Hide ineligible rows/columns in Rate Configuration
- Don't show ineligible credit tiers on Step 2 (allows for different tiers for direct and indirect)
- Simplify creating different rate tables for Direct/Indirect (no longer require a Custom Criterion)
Dealers and Lenders:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.03
- No payment icon "?" in payment grid on step2
- Sorting restored to the Portfolio List.
Dealers and Lenders:
- "Quotes created w/ contracts" & "Quotes created that are executed" added to the User Activity Report.
- Hover text added in Step 2 payment grid to indicate why a payment could not be calculated.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.02
Dealers and Lenders:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Version 24.01
Dealers and Lenders:
- Custom date ranges on User Activity Report.
- Ability to customize user activity leaderboards that show on Car Builder page.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Contact your AFG representative or call support (877) 354-4AFG with any questions
Welcome to Central One Federal Credit Union's Motor vehicle Acquisition Plan (M.A.P.) site. We can help you find the perfect auto loan for you, and more importantly - your budget. Our online M.A.P. will help you quickly compare the cost of purchasing a vehicle to that of using alternative financing for the vehicle of your dreams. Follow the on-screen instructions to make your vehicle choice and then choose the loan option that best suits your needs! Use the estimate as a guide or contact Central One to discuss your plan options!